Title Thumbnail Category Select Category General Bitcoin Ethereum Airdrops Gaming NFTs Wallets Staking Mining Bridges Nodes Hardware Software EVM Pi Network Smart Contracts Hedera Ledger Linea Sepolia Testnets Mainnets Solana Chainlink MetaMask Base BeraChain Zaros Cardano Subcategory Select Subcategory General Bitcoin Ethereum Airdrops Gaming NFTs Wallets Staking Mining Bridges Nodes Hardware Software EVM Pi Network Smart Contracts Hedera Ledger Linea Sepolia Testnets Mainnets Solana Chainlink MetaMask Base BeraChain Zaros Cardano /var/www/vhosts/bitblog.xyz/httpdocs/Blog/Guides/Archive/Edit.php on line 190 " name="author" required> IntroductionStep 1First, head over to the Reddio website: testnet.reddio.com & connect your wallet to add the Reddio Network to your wallet.Step 2Now press the "Go to faucet" button and you it should redirect you to the faucet page.Insert your wallet address and press "Claim".Step 3Now head over to the Reddio Bridge & connect your wallet.Insert any amount of available test ETH and press "Deposit to Reddio". Outro That's all for this guide!If you found this tutorial helpful and informative, consider sharing it on social media. You can also stay updated on the latest content and discussions by following us on X (formely Twitter): @BitBlogxyz Disclaimer: This guide is provided strictly for educational purposes and should not be considered financial advice. The content is designed to offer insights into various web3 topics & projects. We do not recommend putting real money into random projects without conducting plenty of your own research first. It is crucial to make informed decisions based on your own understanding and risk tolerance. Add tags (optional) - 0/5 Testnets × Airdrops × Bridges × Reddio × Publish Save to drafts