How To Earn The Week 6 ArgentX NFT


Published: Jun 9th, 2023


In this guide, we're going to be taking a look at & how to interact with the platform to earn the week 6 ArgentX Xplorer NFT!

Briq represents an innovative NFT design protocol that enables the creation of NFTs using fundamental building blocks known as briqs. These briqs serve as the elemental particles of NFT matter within the system.

To be eligible for the Week 6 NFT, we just need to create a briq set between the 6th of June, 2023 - 13th of June, 2023!

Step 1

First, go to & connect your ArgentX wallet.

Step 2

Now we just need to create & build a briq set!

You can either follow the builder guide to create the Argent Xplorer character, or you can create your own design!

You will have to buy each briq, so the more briqs you use - the more expensive the mint will be!

Step 3

Now just click "Mint" & approve the transaction!

This is just to Mint your briq creation as an NFT! We'll also be able to claim the Week 6 Xplorer NFT too when it becomes available!

Step 4

Now just go to to claim your NFT!


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Disclaimer: This guide is provided strictly for educational purposes and should not be considered financial advice. The content is designed to offer insights into various web3 topics & projects.

We do not recommend putting real money into random projects without conducting plenty of your own research first. It is crucial to make informed decisions based on your own understanding and risk tolerance.


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